Measurements, tests, commissioning and acceptance
We provide support for the commissioning and the initial operation phases of ventilation installations; we plan and support the execution of ventilation tests for certifying functionality. By means of our comprehensive measurement and testing equipment we execute fire and smoke tests as well as aerodynamic and climate measurements in tunnels.
Gotthard and Lötschberg base tunnel
Gotthard base tunnel
Lötschberg base line
Train station Luzern Allmend
Metro station Marienplatz, Munich
New Rail Link Mattstetten-Rothrist
Gotthard base tunnel
Skymetro Zurich airport
Jungfrau railway tunnel
Lötschberg base tunnel
Tunnel Simplon
High-speed train TGV-Duplex
Engelberg railway tunnel
Hauenstein base tunnel
Tunnels of the Transjurane A16
Tunnel de la Vue-des-Alpes
Tunnel Giswil
Petuel Tunnel Munich
Tunnel Isla Bella
Tunnel Arisdorf
Nordtangente Basel
Tunnel Branisko
Gotschnatunnel, bypass Klosters
Tunnels Kirchenwald and Lopper
Tunnel ventilation, ventilation of crossways and operating centres
Tunnel Richard-Strauss Munich
Flüelen tunnel
Balmenrain and Uznaberg tunnels
M5East Tunnel Sydney
Tunnel Heslach
Gmünder Einhorn-Tunnel
Tunnels Piottino
Kö-Bogen Tunnel, Düsseldorf
Tunnel Wimpasing, bypass Ampfing
Tunnel Viamala
UPlaNS Colombier – Cornaux
Luise-Kiesselbach-Tunnel/Heckenstallertunnel, Munich
HBI has the high level of competence and broad experience required to serve as an independent inspection entity. The service that includes assessment of the safety and scrutiny of the safety documentation is targeted to assist in particular the administrative authority. The EU-Directive 2004/54/EC dated 29 April 2004 on minimum safety requirements for tunnels in the trans-European road network prescribes that a safety documentation has to exits. Moreover, the organization shall persist of various entities with clearly defined roles and responsibilities: administrative authority, tunnel manager, inspections entity and safety officer.
Gmünder Einhorn-Tunnel