Electromechanical equipment, BIM
For the mechanical ventilation installations we develop control system concepts and we plan the necessary measurement, detection and fire alarm systems as well as the power supply and in situ control devices.
Furthermore we plan and project fire suppression installations, lock gates, rail tunnel doors, railings and signage in evacuation routes.
Lötschberg base line
Lötschberg base line
Metro station Marienplatz, Munich
U55 Brandenburger Tor - Lehrter station, Berlin
Gotthard base tunnel
Ceneri base tunnel
Tunnel Viamala
UPlaNS Colombier – Cornaux
Transit gas tunnel Sörenberg
Cable tunnel Mushriff-Mamzar Beach-Nahda
M4 East, WestConnex Stage 1, Sydney
M8 (New M5), WestConnex Stage 2, Sydney
With BIM (Building Information Modelling), the three-dimensional models of the building and the technical equipment are linked with further information on properties, interfaces, time sequences, etc. Collisions can be quickly identified and rectified. Collisions can be quickly recognised and rectified. Dependencies between the models also become visible and require updating in the event of changes.